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App Development

Apps built for purpose: Endless Possibilities

Native IOS

Native Android

React Native

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Project approaches

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Our team can fully develop and maintain your iOS and Android mobile applications, or we can collaborate with your project team in a joint development effort.

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Admin panel

We design and develop easy-to-use admin panels for mobile and web apps, using popular UI solutions that are reliable and easy to support and extend.

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Mobile + backend

When you need to develop a backend solution to support your mobile app, our backend engineeringteam is ready to help.

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Web version

If you need a web application along with your mobile app, our front-end team will help you achieveyour goals.

Project Approaches.

Based on your current project stage, we will propose the most effective plan to achieve your objectives—within your timeframe and budget.

Our typical project flow includes the following stages.


Discovery stage

To efficiently plan and run your project, we start with discovery. In this four-step stage, we collaborate with you to align functionality, prioritize business goals, coordinate strategy, and prototype future products. During discovery, we also define your deadlines and budget.


Design stage

After developing a prototype wireframe, our design team starts to create your application style (the app’s “look and feel”). In this stage, we provide you with a full set of UI screens to use for further development.


Development stage

Product development typically evolves across multiple releases, including a minimum viable product (MVP) for the earliest possible release. To speed the process, we use Agile development with short sprints, and we run the development stage in parallel with design wireframes, documentation, and mockups.


Ongoing development, support, and maintenance stage

After releasing the MVP, our team performs new sprints to speed new releases with additional functionality. And we support and maintain the latest version of the launched app.

Web Version.

If you need a web application along with your mobile app, our front-end team will help you achieve your goals.

The product requirements document is a comprehensive specification and plan for product creation. The PRD specifies your business needs, describes the associated technical requirements, and helps plan all stages of your product development.
A wireframe is a visual prototype of your product that shows all application screens and user flows. We can develop a dynamic prototype that you can test with project teams and alpha users., and demonstrate to your investors and business partners.
If you need deeper technical research and analysis, more extensive testing of an existing solution, or ideation of a new solution, we will allocate the necessary resources for research and development.
If you are in the early stages of development, we can help you choose the best ideas to fulfill your product vision. Our team will brainstorm with you on functionality, define the solution scope and logic, develop a wireframe, plan the next stages of development, and schedule releases. Our process ensures that we mutually understand and agree on your product goals.


Our exceptional Web & Mobile Application process


Personas & Customer Journey Maps

By crafting personas and mapping out customer journeys, we harness the customer's viewpoint to facilitate the formulation of remedies for business challenges. This approach aids us in comprehending the intended audience and their present approach towards the problem. This insight is a foundation for devising software that effectively eliminates the issue. We must grasp the customer's sources of distress, dissatisfaction, incentives for resolving the problem, their preferred channels for seeking solutions, and alternative products they consider.



Our process starts with a comprehensive understanding of your business. This involves an exploratory conversation where we start identifying aspects within your business that can leverage solution-oriented software.


Perceptual Map

By crafting personas and mapping out customer journeys, we harness the customer's viewpoint to facilitate the formulation of remedies for business challenges. This approach aids us in comprehending the intended audience and their present approach towards the problem. This insight is a foundation for devising software that effectively eliminates the issue. We must grasp the customer's sources of distress, dissatisfaction, incentives for resolving the problem, their preferred channels for seeking solutions, and alternative products they consider.


Product Backlog

Afterwards, we formulate a product backlog comprising an inventory of all the requisite features for the product's triumphant market entry. Our approach employs a proof-of-concept strategy, allowing us to delve into the core issues and determine the most streamlined process for their resolution.


Phase 1 Release

At this juncture, we have a product that still needs to be prepared for its ultimate release to end users (MVP - Minimum Viable Product). However, it is suitable for unveiling to our steering group, enabling us to gather valuable feedback for subsequent product enhancements. Upon refining this version, we attain our MMP - Minimum Marketable Product - poised for market introduction.


Real World Launch

Ultimately, the product enters the realm of reality, becoming accessible to customers who can actively engage with it. This interaction results in a continuous influx of feedback, a foundation for progressively enhancing and expanding the product over time.


Time & Materials.

For outsourced software development, a time-and-materials (T&M) approach saves you money—and produces better results—than a fixed-price contract. That’s because the best software requires flexible thinking, tweaks to requirements, and shifts in scope. And because with fixed-price estimates, you always overpay for risk contingencies that you probably won’t need. Read our blog for a full analysis




Agile software development involves a series of short sprints to ensure rapid, transparent progress toward your product goals. We apply this nimble, responsive approach to incorporate your feedback, adjust priorities as needed, and ensure your approval at every step. We use the Agile best practice because it is more flexible—and less risky—than the linear Waterfall development methodology.



Objective C





Android SDK/NDK

React Native


Our whole-solution approach

At We Krazy Ltd, we’re not just a team of designers, developers, marketers, and strategic thinkers. We go beyond coding product functions. We offer our expertise and experience to ensure your solution’s success. We’re here to suggest innovative ideas, build dynamically and flexibly, guide you through the initial launch, and help you shape the future of your business.


Curious Minds, Explore Instant Answers in Our Vibrant FAQ Hub!

Paid search is a digital marketing strategy that involves online ads that appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). Paid search ads typically look similar to organic search listings but have a label that distinguishes them as ads.
With paid search management services, you can expect a dedicated team of experts who will meticulously review and analyze your campaigns, ensuring that they align with your business objectives. Through continuous optimization, they will fine-tune your advertisements to maximize their effectiveness, reaching the right audience at the right time.
When it comes to paid search ads, Google Ads serves as a prime example of how the process works. Google Ads allows advertisers to bid on specific keywords they want their ads to appear for. When a user conducts a search on Google, the platform uses various factors such as keywords, ad settings, bids, and ad quality score to determine which ads to display.
Paid search can indeed be a valuable addition to your marketing strategy for several reasons: Audience Research, Precise Targeting, Quick Results, Bottom-of-the-Funnel Leads, Supplementing Organic Search Results. By leveraging the advantages of paid search, businesses can effectively target their audience, generate qualified leads, achieve faster results, and enhance their overall online visibility and conversion rates.

Pragmatic planning, exhilaratingresults

From concept to creation to growth, here’s what it looks like to work with us.

We conduct a thorough analysis of your business, identifying potential problems and providing a strategic plan to help you achieve your goals.

Building functional models of ideas allows for a thorough understanding of their real-world feasibility and preempting challenges before launch.

We guarantee attention to important details such as accessibility standards, scalable design system and code, and strong partnerships with internal stakeholders and team members.

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We are an independent agency, full of designers, developers, marketers and strategic thinkers.

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+44 (0)204 524 5111

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Studio 12, Oxgate House, Oxgate Ln, London, NW2 7FQ

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